One Health DetectTZ

Project Summary:

Strengthening Capacity for Tanzania National One Health Early Detection of and Response to Infectious Disease  Epidemics (OneHealthDetect-TZ)

Start Date:  01/10/2021

End Date: 30/06/2022

Project Description

Our overarching goal is to enhance multi-sectoral collaboration for early disease outbreak detection and response in humans and animals in Tanzania.Objective
To set up a digital One Health platform for strengthening the National One Health Coordination Desk together with the sector ministries in their ability to detect disease events, signals or related information at source geographically or zoologically , and process that data promptly to be shared so as to lead to early warning and triggering of early coordinated response before outbreaks explode into public and/or animal health disaster/emergency.
To strengthen the national One Health Coordination Desk at the Prime Minister’s office in the coordination to detect, verify, assess risk, respond and manage epidemics of humans and animals; through collaboratively developing a digital platform that will aid data collection, analysis and information sharing between PMO, the President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) and Sectorial Ministries.
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